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Digini (trademark of UK Point of Sale Group Ltd)Digini (trademark of UK Point of Sale Group Ltd)
How to Create a Digital Menu

How to Create a Digital Menu

To create a digital menu, follow these simple steps:

  1. Choose a digital menu platform
  2. Gather menu content
  3. Design your menu layout
  4. Customise features
  5. Optimise for accessibility
  6. Test and review
  7. Deploy and promote, and
  8. Regularly monitor and update

By following these steps, you can easily create a digital menu for your restaurant or business.

Creating a digital menu for your restaurant or business can enhance customer experience and streamline operations.

Follow these steps to create an effective digital menu

Choose a Digital Menu Platform (a CMS)

Selecting the right digital menu platform (or content management system : CMS) is a critical decision that can significantly impact your business's efficiency and customer experience. To begin:

  • Assess your business needs and budget constraints carefully
  • Consider factors such as the size of your establishment, the complexity of your menu offerings, and the level of customisation required.
- Align with Business Needs

Start by identifying the specific needs and goals of your restaurant or business.

Are you looking for a simple solution to display your menu items, or do you require advanced features such as real-time updates and interactive elements?

Understanding your business requirements will help you narrow down your options and choose a platform that meets your needs.

- Evaluate Features

Look for digital menu platforms that offer a wide range of features to enhance your menu management and presentation.

Customisable templates allow you to create a visually appealing menu that aligns with your brand identity, and can also get you started quickly. Finding a CMS with easy editing options will streamline the process of updating menu items, descriptions, and prices, ensuring that your menu is always up-to-date.

- Consider Compatibility

Compatibility with your existing hardware and technology infrastructure is crucial for seamless integration and operation.

Ensure that the digital menu platform is compatible with your POS system, display devices, and any other hardware components you plan to use. Compatibility issues can lead to technical challenges and hinder the effectiveness of your digital menu.

- Scalability and Flexibility

Choose a digital menu platform that offers scalability and flexibility to accommodate your business growth and evolving needs. Whether you operate a single location or multiple establishments, the platform should be able to scale with your business and adapt to changing requirements.

Look for features such as multi-location management and centralised menu control to streamline operations across your business.

- User-Friendly Interface

Opt for a digital menu platform with an intuitive and user-friendly interface that makes menu management effortless for your staff. Training and support resources provided by the platform vendor can help onboard your team quickly and ensure smooth implementation.

A user-friendly interface reduces the learning curve and empowers your staff to make updates and changes efficiently.

- Customer Support and Maintenance

Consider the level of customer support and maintenance offered by the digital menu platform vendor.

Choose a vendor that provides reliable customer support and ongoing maintenance to address any issues or concerns that may arise. Regular updates and software patches ensure that your digital menu platform remains secure and up-to-date.

Gather Menu Content

Collect all the necessary content for your digital menu, including menu items, descriptions, prices, and images. Ensure that your content is visually appealing and accurately reflects your offerings.

- Compile Comprehensive Menu Items

Start by creating a comprehensive list of all menu items you offer, covering appetisers, entrees, beverages, desserts, and any specials.

Ensure that you include every item available on your menu to provide customers with a complete overview of your offerings.

- Craft Descriptive Descriptions

Write detailed descriptions for each menu item that capture its essence and highlight key ingredients, flavours, and preparation methods.

Use descriptive language to evoke sensory experiences and entice customers to try your dishes.

- Include Clear Pricing

Collect pricing information for each menu item and ensure that it is displayed clearly and prominently.

Consider incorporating pricing strategies such as bundling or highlighting specials to encourage upselling and drive customer engagement.

- Invest in High-Quality Images

Capture high-quality images of your menu items to visually showcase their appearance and presentation.

Professional photographs can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your digital menu and evoke cravings in your customers.

- Prioritise Accuracy and Consistency

Verify that all menu content, including descriptions, prices, and images, is accurate and up-to-date.

Inaccurate or outdated information can lead to customer dissatisfaction and negatively impact your business's reputation.

- Organise Content Effectively

Organise your menu content in a logical and intuitive manner to facilitate easy navigation for customers.

Group similar items together and use clear headings and sections to help customers find what they're looking for quickly.

Design Your Menu Layout

Design an intuitive and visually appealing layout for your digital menu. Organise menu items into categories for easy navigation and use high-quality images to showcase your dishes.

Make sure you incorporate your brand colours and logo for a cohesive look.

- Create an Intuitive and Visually Appealing Layout

When designing your digital menu, prioritise creating an intuitive and visually appealing layout that enhances the overall user experience. Consider factors such as font styles, sizes, and spacing to ensure readability and clarity.

We suggest that you aim for a clean and uncluttered design that makes it easy for customers to navigate and find what they're looking for.

- Organise Menu Items into Categories

Organise your menu items into logical categories to simplify navigation and help customers quickly locate their desired items.

Group similar items together, such as appetisers, entrees, beverages, and desserts, and use clear headings and section dividers to delineate each category. This organisational structure makes it easier for customers to browse through your menu and find items of interest.

- Use High-Quality Images to Showcase Your Dishes

Incorporate high-quality images of your menu items to visually showcase their appearance and presentation.

Professional photographs can entice customers and enhance their dining experience by providing a preview of what to expect. Ensure that images accurately represent the dishes and are consistent with their descriptions to avoid any discrepancies.

- Consider Incorporating Your Brand Colours and Logo

Infuse your digital menu with your brand identity by incorporating brand colours and logo elements into the design. This creates a cohesive and recognisable look that reinforces your brand image and enhances brand recall.

A good designer will often use your brand colours for text accents, background elements, or borders, and prominently display your logo for brand visibility.

Customise Menu Features

Take advantage of customisable features offered by your digital menu platform. Add interactive elements such as videos, animations, or QR codes to provide additional information or promotions.

- Use Customisable Options

Explore the customisation settings in your digital menu tool to make your menu fit your style. You can change things like colours, fonts, and layouts to match your brand and make it easy for customers to use.

- Add Fun Extras

Make your menu more interesting by adding things like videos, moving pictures, or special codes that customers can scan with their phones.

These extras can show off your food better or give customers discounts and deals.

- Make Info Easy to Find

The extras you add can also help customers learn more about your food and deals.

Videos and moving pictures can show how food is made, and special codes can link to more info or coupons. This makes it easy for customers to find what they want and learn more about your restaurant.

Optimise for Accessibility

Ensure that your digital menu is accessible to all customers, including those with disabilities. Use clear fonts, adequate contrast, and intuitive navigation to enhance usability for all users.

- Make Sure Everyone Can Use It

Check that your digital menu is easy for everyone to use, including people with disabilities.

Use big, clear letters, good colour contrast, and easy-to-understand buttons so that everyone can find what they need.

- Use Clear Fonts and Colours

Pick simple fonts and colours that are easy to read, especially for people with vision problems.

Make sure there's enough contrast between the text and background to make it easier to see.

- Make It Easy to Get Around

Arrange your menu so that it's easy to move around and find things.

Use simple menus and buttons that are easy to understand, especially for people who might have trouble with technology.

Test and Review

Before launching your digital menu, thoroughly test it to identify any errors or inconsistencies.

Review the menu layout, content, and functionality to ensure a seamless user experience.

- Check Everything First

Before you show your digital menu to customers, make sure to test it out yourself.

Be sure to look for any mistakes or things that don't work right.

- Look at How It's Set Up

Review how your menu looks, what's written on it, and how it works. Make sure it's easy to use and everything makes sense.

- Make Sure It Works Well

Try out all the features to see if they work properly. Make any changes needed to make sure your menu works smoothly.


Deploy and Promote

Once you're satisfied with your digital menu, deploy it in your restaurant or business location. Promote your digital menu through various channels such as social media, email newsletters, and signage to encourage customers to engage with it.

- Put It Up in Your Restaurant

When you're happy with how your digital menu looks, put it up in your restaurant for customers to see and use. Without people seeing what you offer - how can they buy?

- Tell People About It

Spread the word about your digital menu using social media, emails, and signs in your restaurant.

Let people know it's there and encourage them to check it out. Effective use or QR codes can help people share your business too.

- Utilise Digital Signage Systems

Consider using digital signage content management systems that allow you to distribute content across multiple screens in various locations.

- Schedule Content

Additionally, leverage these systems to schedule content for specific times and dates. This ensures that your digital menu is seen by the right people at the right time.


Monitor and Update Regularly

Monitor the performance of your digital menu and gather feedback from customers. Use this feedback to make improvements and updates to your menu regularly, keeping it fresh and relevant to your audience.

- Track Performance Across Multiple Locations

Utilise digital signage systems that allow you to monitor the performance of your digital menu across multiple locations.

Track metrics such as engagement, dwell time, and interaction rates to gauge the effectiveness of your menu content.

- Gather Feedback from Customers

Implement feedback mechanisms such as surveys, comment cards, or QR code links on your digital menu to gather input from customers.

Encourage customers to provide feedback on menu items, pricing,

- Centralised Content Management

Take advantage of digital signage platforms that offer centralised content management capabilities.

This allows you to manage and update menu content from a single location, ensuring consistency across all screens and locations.

- Analyse Data and Insights

Use data analytics tools provided by your digital signage platform to analyse performance data and glean insights into customer behaviour and preferences.

Identify trends, patterns, and areas for optimisation to continuously improve the effectiveness of your digital menu.

- Regularly Refresh Content

Keep your digital menu fresh and engaging by regularly updating content and promotions. Rotate featured items, introduce seasonal specials, and highlight customer favourites to keep your menu dynamic and enticing.

In Summary

By following these steps and leveraging the capabilities of digital menu technology, you can create a compelling and user-friendly digital menu that enhances the dining experience for your customers and helps drive business growth.

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